Eucalyptus trees, plants and tubestock - Wholesale Nurseries including camaldulensis, citriodora, elata, ficifolia, forrestiana, leucoxylon, euky drawf, leucoxylon connata, leucoxylon rosea, leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa, maculata, mannifera, melliodora, ovata, pauciflora, pauciflora little snowman, polyanthemos, pryoriana, pulchella, radiata, scoparia, sideroxlyon Rosea, tereticornis, viminalis. Wholesale, Tube Stock.
DREAM-TIME WHOLESALE NURSERY - phone 03 5997 8396 Australias largest grower of semi advanced native & deciduous trees .9 - 2.6 mts high. Supplying councils, developers and landscapers. Eucalyptus, Waterhousea , Pittosporum incl green pillar, silver sheen and james sterling. |
PLANTMARK email One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species , from tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of quality plants. |
TALL TREES- phone 03 5983 0166 Quality advanced container grown trees and shrubs. Australian native plants and ornamentals in containers ranging from 14cm to 45 litre. Contract growing to specifications. Specialists in tree supply for Urban development. All states. |
RONNEBY ADVANCED TREES- - phone: 03 5627 6327 2505 Westernport Road, Ripplebrook, Victoria Deciduous and evergreen trees from 1-12 metres. SpringRing® grown trees 25 litre to 1000 litre. Field grown specimen trees. Australia-wide delivery. |