PolytunnelsUsed widely in the nursery industry in Australia as well as in home gardens. Polytunnels are available for sale in a range of sizes with spans from 2m right up to 7m. Most are kit form construction with galvanized steel frames with timber supports for extra stability. Most can be joined end on end to form a longer tunnel and some can be butted against each othe r along the side to create a wider span. Accessories such as poly clips for attaching the film, winches for lifting the sides, heating and air circulation units are also available. Venting is an important aspect to consider when choosing a poly tunnel as good air flow is essential during the hardening off process. Many poly tunnels have removable poly skins that can be replaced with shade cloth during the summer months which makes for year round use. Polytunnels create a microclimate to extent the growing season, they also provide protection from rain which can be important with some crops. Polytunnels are available for sale from the following suppliers
SAGE HORTICULTURAL - PH (03) 9553 3777 |